14 years ago, when we three first met each other.


I was walking to my class on the first day of school and I heard a kid crying crouching down in the bushes. " Hey, why are you crying? I crouched down next to him and asked. He looked so cute and too innocent for this cruel world. Yeah it was a boy who was crying.

" My mumma left me and went home, she left me in a place I don't know. I wanna go back home" He exclaimed. I wiped his tears and hugged him" He had a faint redness on his cheeks.

"Aww, what's your name? If you tell me your name we can be friends and I'll show you around, deal?" I kooed.

Ok, my name is Park jimin. what is your name? He asked in shyness which shows on his cheeks.

"Sorry, my name is lee Hye ri" I answered.

"How old are you? I'm 9 years old".

" You should call me oppa"

"Why" " because I'm a year older than you, I'm 10 years old.

"No, I'll just go with chim, why are you afraid to come to school if you're a year older than me?

You probably know more than me.

" I'm new to this place, and this is a new school, i didn't know this place and I got lost, so I didn't know what to do." He replied.

" I know you're going to ask if my mother didn't show me the way around the class, but I forgot the way when I was searching for my bracelet that fell down."

"Then yo-

The school bell suddenly rang cutting me.

"I guess it's time to leave for class, tell me which class you have to go".

"I have to go to class 2A" he replied

"Oh great, I'll introduce you to my other friend JEON, ok he's in the same class as you."

"Don't worry he's a bit cold but he'll warm up to you cause you're cute". I said pinching his cheeks.

He instantly turned red.

Rubbing his cheeks he said "yah, I'm older than you, respect me".

He said while blushing.

" You don't have manners to thank me and you're shorter than me, so I can boss you around".

" Oh, sorry and um.. thank you Hyeri-ya"

"And wait till we get older I will definitely be taller than you, then we'll see who'll boss around."

"Ok bet?" "Bet".

"Come on, it's getting late, I'll drop you to you're class and I'll go to my class, ok?

I don't wanna get late on the first day of school do you?"

"Ok, let's go".


"This is my class, thank you".

"Wait, I said I'll introduce you to JEON right-

"No-no don't need ".

"You're my friend now, that means you have to be friends with JEON also".


"Oh there he is, JEON--

"Mam, mam can you hear me?"

"Huh?, yes I can hear you.

I don't know when the tears fell down until I felt the wetness down my check and droplets on my hand. I quickly wiped them, i really missed those days.

She smiled at me and said "your makeup is done mam, you will be heading to the alise in 5 minutes".

"Huh? Oh, right I'm getting married, i totally forgot". I gave her an awkward smile and moved to look at the mirror, and my,my did they change me from what I look normally.

The gown was really heavy and huge, it has an off shoulder neck and sleeve.

My makeup was done naturally and my lips were a bit plumpy and juicy.

My hair was done in a messy bun with a veil on my head and a tiara.

I had a beautiful diamond necklace given to me by my mother which has been passed on by generations.

I sighed and moved towards the entrance door, where my father was waiting for me.

"You look pretty my daughter, I believe in you, and don't worry we'll be there whenever you need us."

."I'll miss you too appa" I said.

The door started to open slowly with soft music playing on the piano.

The place looked ravishing,  after all it was my enemy who chose this place. It looked like a fairytale of many girls dream wedding.

The wedding is at morning 10 am and it's 9 50  morning now. The place or hall was lavender and white themed.

The bride's maid was wearing a little bit darker shade of lavender.

I took time to observe the place as there is 10 mins more.

This is my new life from now onwards, a life in hell.

I was getting nervous by the stares given by the people or guests who arrived to attend my wedding , my hands started to sweat, my father held on to me tightly for me to not give out on my legs and embarrass myself in front of them.

I raised my head to look at my soon-to-be husband, who also swore to make my life living hell.

He stood there looking ravishing like the devil himself had come down to the earth with that evil sinister smirk on his lips. He wore a dark blue blazer and his silk black raven colored hair was done beautifully gelled. He looked tall and stared straight into my eyes. His eyes clearly saying that " you're gonna regret being born on the earth".

I had tears in my eyes looking at him, all because he didn't believe me instead believed someone who came a few days ago. Remembering all the memories we cherished and lived together makes me tear up with anger.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my father said " take care of her son even though you are hurt, please don't hurt her".

"App--" "she's in my hands now and it's up to me what I do with her uncle." He said with authority, that annoying asshole.



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I'll do

better,I'm not satisfied with this chapter.

Be safe and healthy my readers

Bye see you in the next chapter

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